Let's make things work.
Plain and simple.

Each day we deal with some form of technology to get our job done. These technologies irritate us because they are too complex, feel unusable or just don’t work. The result is that we either feel stupid or frustrated. Pimp My UX is a community of 1 design thinker/doer who addresses that mess by writing and illustrating about it to propose a better way, with clean UX (user experience) and a  touch of humour.


This process relies on 3 simple parameters, which translate into the mission of this community.

Complex UI
A man who has just been asked to enter his emailaddress a fucking third time?!

It should be usable.

We deal with technology not because we want to but because we need to. We’ll never open up our banking app unless we need to deal with financial questions. Likewise, we won’t visit a porn site unless we need some kind of sexual relief. In that sense, things should be made as simple as possible and not simpler, directed at the core essence of what a user needs in any given context. We need to understand something before we can use it. If it’s designed accordingly and it satisfies our needs, it’s usable. In that respect, simplicity wins every time.

A man who finally understands how to set his thermostat when he's away.

It shall be engaging.

It’s one thing for products and services to be usable and understandable. When we really grasp something and we understand the reason behind it, we become engaged, more so when we feel connected to it. It won’t happen with everything we deal with, nor is it necessary, but every product or service needs at least a minimum of good design to engage us if we want to be. Only then, we’ll keep coming back for more, opening the door for the final prerequisite...

A sustainable woman.

It will be sustainable.

Conclusively this engagement should trigger a form of sustainability. We can become engaged once, but we need to stay engaged in order to fix this world and make it perform better. In a world facing multiple threats we’ll need to rely on technology to help us move forward, produce more with less and become much more effective with the resources available around us. We’ll need to rely on technology to help and educate us, making us more informed and thus help others move forward too.

About this community.

The Pimp Community started out in 1977 under the direction of Bart Van Hecke, aka Pimp. For 45 years they have been changing the face of the earth by holding the world accountable for what they called ‘shit design’. With their cutting minds, their sharp pens, their influential designs and their hip styles they are responsible for making the world perform that much better, from the fancy iPhone in your pocket to the stylish Tesla on your driveway. The greats of the earth have all relied on their piercing intelligence on design. 


Unfortunately, 8 crew members died, leaving only Pimp.alive to this day. His determination is as strong as ever though, and the community aims to reach 1 billion members by 2025, all committed to making the world perform better with good UX. You could become a member too!



“Bad design is like helping your grandma unlock her bra, facing her from the front!”

Some values.

This community is all about making the world better with good UX. Before you sign up, you need to keep some groundrules into consideration though (and read the FAQ below).


The community respects everyone’s opinion, more so when you donate money.

Constructive Feedback.

We break down everything that deserves it, but we always build it up with good UX again. Unless we don't feel like it.

Common Sense.

The community does not steal, rape, deceive, lie, kill or listen to rap music from Germany. Not when it's dubbed in English too.

Join us!

If you’re thinking of joining us just now, on page 3, you’ve waited too long! Don’t think, jump!

By signing up:


>> You get all the powerful insights and juicy illustrations that will change the way you look at the world, right in your mailbox.


>> You can post your insights on this community (if Pimp allows it) and know that it has impact because this community is 1 billion people strong (by 2025).



>> You agree to donate 50% of your monthly paycheck to the community. Full paycheck members get an additional article when we feel like it.

(the feasability of 1 of the 3 advantages above is being investigated by our legal department as we speak)

Some answers to your questions.

If you get frustrated by how you interact with your environment and you have the answer to make it better with good UX, you’re invited! You may write about it, make funny drawings or just deliver plain good UX and showcase it, whatever makes the world go better! If the above does not apply to you, but you have loads of money to donate to the community, priority boarding for you! Goes without saying.

In a nutshell, your life begets meaning! You will be allowed into an exclusive and growing community of visionary designers who together shape a better world. Forget politicians, forget economists! The future of our society lies in your hands.

It’s not really necessary but we like people who pay better. So if you don’t, we’ll treat you differently. Not with disrespect per se, but differently for sure.

Don’t worry if you can’t design. If you bring money, we don’t really care.

Capable of going from 0 to 60 miles per hour in less than three seconds, the cheetah is considered the fastest land animal, though it is able to maintain such speeds only for short distances. Lions are also quite fast when hunting prey, with a top speed of about 50 miles per hour. However, the common prey of African big cats can be pretty speedy as well. The springbok, for example, can reach 55 miles per hour when pursued, and the blue wildebeest has been clocked at 50 miles per hour.