Make the world perform better.

With good UX.

Pimp My UX is a community of 1 designer with a mission to make the world perform better with good UX. The community dissects life’s lousy experiences and then fixes them by proposing a better way. Read our articles and discover the artwork. It will make you a better person.

Application Design

Designing better traffic interaction.

How is it possible that for an interaction billions of people engage in daily, there are only a few modes of communicating? Why can’t the honk be designed to communicate different messages? Read the story of Angry Adam.

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Application Design

Designing Intelligence in HR.

HR is all about human interactions. This process can be made much more effective with the right kind of intelligence applied. How did I go about it and what can you learn from me?

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Application Design

The End of UX.

What’s the role of a designer worth when smart technologies like artificial intelligence take over? A UX Architect’s opinion.

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Business Design

Designing organizations into the future.

Amidst fierce competition, organizations today face the constant challenge to innovate and stay close to the customer. 5 simple steps to start small with good design.

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Application Design


We’ve come a long way from using the mouse to touching a glass screen. But how much has really changed? And how big is the challenge of navigating in a 3D world? Some tips to get along.

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What people say about
this community.

Ricky Snyder
Ricky Snyder@rickysnyder
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I thought I was a damn good designer, until I discovered Pimp My UX. I mean, My God!
Carl Corruptor
Carl Corruptor@carlcorruptorthegreat
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Joining the Pimp community has changed my life. Before I was a slag, now I have purpose.
Snoola Snickers
Snoola Snickers@snoola2000
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I was hungry so I ate a hamburger. But I didn't like the pickles. I hate pickles.
Elon Musk
Elon Musk@elonthegreat
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Everything I learned in life, I learned from the Pimp community! I should owe my fortune to them!


Then join us! Today this community is 1 person strong. We aim to reach 1 million members by 2024 and 1 billion by 2025. Join us, but hurry! Seats are scarce.

I'm ready to change the world.